Getting Tax Back is easy with our no refund, no fee policy!

The tax system can be complicated, so let us do the work and maximise any tax refund that you may be due back.

Fill out the form, and let us do all the work!

Our tax return service helps Irish PAYE employees claim tax refunds

We are a tax advisory practice, specifically dealing with PAYE employees. Let us do the work and maximise any tax refund that you may be due back to you with an average refund of €890

Who can claim tax back?

  • Individual PAYE workers who have not claimed tax back before
  • People who have got married
  • People living in Northern Ireland and working in Southern Ireland
  • Single parents
  • People who have lost their employment
We ask for your name for billing, processing, fulfilment and legal purposes. Additionally, we will use it in correspondence related to your account.
We ask for your name for billing, processing, fulfilment and legal purposes. Additionally, we will use it in correspondence related to your account.
We ask for your name for billing, processing, fulfilment and legal purposes. Additionally, we will use it in correspondence related to your account.
We ask for your email to communicate with you regarding your application.
We ask for your phone number to contact you in urgent matters related to your account.
We need your date of birth to process your application with the Revenue Commissioners.
We need your PPS to process your application and identify you in the Revenue systems.
We need your Occupation to process your application and maximise your tax refund.
We need your address details to process your application with the Revenue Commissioners.
We need your address details to process your application with the Revenue Commissioners.
We need your address details to process your application with the Revenue Commissioners.
We need your marital status details to process your application and maximise your tax refund.

Agree to TermsI have read and agree to the authorisation and the Terms & Conditions


1. Authorisation to act as agent
I the undersigned, declare to the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland, that I authorise Get Tax Back to act as my Agent with regard to all aspects of income Tax. I confirm that this authorisation will remain in force until Revenue is formally notified of its cessation by either myself or “Get tax back”.

2. Authorisation for Agent to receive refunds on behalf of client.
I authorise the transfer of any refund or repayment of PAYE /Universal Social Charge I confirm that this authorisation will remain in force until Revenue is formally notified of its cessation by either myself or “Get tax back” due to me by the Revenue Commissioners by electronic funds transfer to the following bank account which is held by
“Get tax back”:
Bank: Permanent TSB –
IBAN IE82IPBS990651 23517131,
Name of Account Holder: Get Tax Back.

I understand that any refund made by the Revenue Commissioners to my agent, Get tax back, on my behalf is refunded in a similar manner as if same were being refunded directly to me and that once the refund is transferred into the bank account nominated by me I have no further call upon the Revenue Commissioners in respect of same. I understand that Get tax back is acting as my agent and Get tax back is solely responsible to me in respect of any refund received by them on my behalf. I further understand that my agent Get tax back is an independent entity and that the Revenue Commissioners make no endorsement of my agent or any such agency and cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for problems encountered by me in dealing with them. I understand and agree that Get tax back will input its own bank account details on the Revenue record for the duration of this mandate and will remove these details on the cessation of the mandate. I confirm that I am aware of, and agree to, the payment of the fees charged by the Get tax back in respect of the services carried out on my behalf and that this fee will be deducted from any amount refunded by Revenue and that the balance of this amount will be paid to me.

3. Terms of Authorisation
I understand that Tax law provides for both civil penalties and criminal sanctions for the failure to make a return, the making of a false return, facilitating the making of a false return, or claiming tax credits, allowances or reliefs which are not due. I confirm that I will provide the necessary documentation to the “Get tax back” to support any refund, credit claims or claims for allowances and reliefs made to Revenue on my behalf by “Get tax back”. I confirm that I will provide details of all my sources of income to “Get tax back”.
I understand that “Get tax back” is required to retain a copy of all documentation relating to any refund or credit or allowance or relief claimed by the agent on my behalf and that the agent will be required to produce same to Revenue upon request.

We need your signature to deal on your behalf with the Revenue Commissioners.
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Copyright ©2024 Get Tax Back

Get Tax Back is registered in Ireland Reg. No. 419986, VAT. No. IE7257896v, Tax Agent Indentification Number (TAIN): 73538J with the registered address at Unit 4, Meath Enterprise Centre, Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland

Tax Agent Identification Number (TAIN): 73538J

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